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Parents & Students


Your child is eligible to ride the school bus provided you live two miles or more from the school. Students who are not eligible to ride a school bus may not ride a bus under any circumstances. Students must ride only their assigned buses to and from school and board and exit the bus at the assigned stop. In the best interest of safety, your child must obey all safety rules and regulations as stated in the Volusia County Schools' Student Code of Conduct. 

504/PST Contacts

Tiffany Fowler 


We expect all students to arrive on time to school, but recognize that mornings don't always go as planned. If your child is late to school, you must personally come to the front office to sign your child(ren) in with the office staff. 

Early Dismissal

Early dismissal needs to be kept to a minimum, since it deprives academic instructional time from your student. Please refrain from early dismissal except in extreme emergency. If an emergency arises, you may sign your child(ren) out in the front office by showing your driver's license or photo ID.  Early dismissals will be marked as an absence for part of the day on your child's attendance record. If you know in advance that you will need to pick up your child early, please send a note to the teacher.
Important: We realize that emergencies arise during the day, but most dismissal changes can be arranged prior to the start of school and should be sent to us in writing. Please do not request dismissal changes after 1:15 p.m. (or 12:15 p.m. on early release days), as we cannot assure that a message will be delivered after that time. 


Anytime that your child is absent from school, you must call the school at (386) 575-4230 and select "attendance" from the automated answering system. You will be directed to leave your child's name, teacher's name, and a brief reason for being absent. After 15 absences, a doctor's note is required.

Common Area Rules​

Line Rules:

  1. Line up in your own space, one behind the other.
  2. Hands by your side or behind your back.
  3. Walk silently.

Restroom Rules:

  1. Use fixtures and paper goods responsibly.
  2. Flush the toilet.
  3. Wash your hands.
  4. Leave the area clean.
  5. Report problems promptly.

Walkway Rules:

  1. Carry a pass.
  2. Walk quietly.
  3. Return promptly.
  4. Always walk in pair or groups.

Playground Rules:

  1. Stay within teacher's view.
  2. Use equipment properly.
  3. Play fair and share.
  4. Pick up only playground equipment 


Our goal is to help every child become a responsible person. The students at DeBary Elementary will behave in a respectful manner at all times. In order to instill responsibility in our students, we have initiated school wide Social Skills training.
We believe that children who behave in a responsible manner should be rewarded. Faculty and staff members recognize students school wide through the Terrific Kid Program. Students are also awarded by various reinforcement programs in the classroom, special area classes and the Guidance Department.
Toys, electronic devices, games, trading cards and any items that in any way resembles a weapon are not allowed at school. Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for specific details of appropriate behavior and possible consequences for misbehavior. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent-teacher conferences are encouraged. The teacher will be happy to reserve a time for the conference, simply email or send a note to the teacher.

Personal Items

Nothing should come from home without a teacher's permission. Toys, electronic games, radios, etc. need to remain at home for their safe keeping. 

School Insurance

School insurance is available to all students. Purchase of the insurance is optional.​

Parents & Students Resources