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Teacher: Miss Coatney -

In music, students are provided with a balanced approach to learning, supplementing to the work they are already doing in their classrooms. This approach emphasizes critical thinking and creative problem solving, developing musical skills, and responding to aesthetic qualities in music. Instruction in the music classroom is a discipline based approach that covers the music standards appropriate to each grade level.

The music room is a place to allow the students to be creative! They will have the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills necessary as future creators, performers, and consumers of music. Music provides the experience to help students acquire independence, a positive self-image, and a sense of responsibility. The study of music provides practice in basic and higher order thinking skills that reach across all other academic disciplines.

Music is an integral part of human life that influences learning and improves quality of life. It is beneficial to the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of each and every student.

 Music Classroom Rules:

  1. Listen Carefully and Follow Directions
  2. Respect and Care for All Musical Instruments and Equipment
  3. Raise Your Hand Before You Speak
  4. Respect Your Classmates – Treat Them with Kindness
  5. Always Give 100% - Try Your BEST!

Music Grading:

The music grade is based largely upon participation, as well as musical skill and acquisition, and behavior. Since most elementary music learning targets are performance based, a grade cannot be given to a student that is not participating